Tuesday we got there and unloaded our necessities for the next day from the trailer and had introductions with the AP's and the Mission President and Everyone. Then I feel like we did something but I can't remember the order so I’ll tell you what I remember and the order isn't super important anyways. So we got fed a really freaking good lunch and I decided every meal there’s a piece of fruit or whatever I’ll try one new one.(THIS IS COMING FROM A KID WHO DOESN’T LIKE ANY FRUIT!) So for lunch I tried a red cherry and didn’t care for it too much but the rest of lunch was sooooo good. .Then we got paired with a bunch of missionaries for the day and my comp was Elder Hunt & he was way cool! Anyways we went and started knocking doors for like 2 hours which was way cool. That’s kind of the first time I realized tho that legal weed + old people = Lots of crazy people hahaha. Their all super funny tho. Then we got home and discussed the experiences in a big circle and got feedback from the AP's. Then we had dinner and started our interviews and dang like literally when I walked into Presidents office it felt like walking into a chapel, super calm and peaceful and the spirit was definitely there, but as we got talking and the interview was progressing the spirit just got stronger and stronger and its very very rare I have the spirit move me that strong. During some parts of the interview I was like almost crying, which if anyone reading this knows me a little bit they know thats rare too. It was sooo amazing. Grant it I don't usually get emotional but for some reason saying bye on the phone after calling my family at the airport had me a whole lot more homesick or anything than I ever have been in my life (again cause I don't usually have a problem with that. Heck I pretty much just ran off after my mom and sisters told me good bye at the MTC hahahaha) which feeling the love of the Lewis’sand the fact that in my mission everyone is super huggy made me feel super loved the same day Iwas feeling sad I wouldn't see my family till Christmas. God is full of Tender Mercies, speaking of which we had tri tip steak for dinner and I tried a rainer cherry and oh my goodness that was life changing!!! It was SOOOOOO freaking good. Anyways dinner was super good and then we had a bunch of orientation crap for like 4 hours. Finally interviews are over at like 10ish and president walks down cause he wanted to have testimony meeting but looks at us and says "well you guys look dead, and you've been up and busy since 3 am so I’m going to never say this again but you guys can go to bed and sleep in. Just be up and Ready for breakfast by 8. So Ihad a mini quick celebration and then of course the one day I get to sleep in I naturally wake up at 6:45. I was ticked but whatever I got ready and then we had breakfast, again amazing Yakimadoesn't seem to disappoint.
After breakfast we met our trainers and apparently president is a whole lot smarter than I give him credit for because I now have 3 trainers hahaha. Well one trainer is Elder Roe, and is the most AMAZING companion ever. I love him sooo much.He’s a stud and super funny and quite punnywhich is probably the only down side haha but he’s full of good dad jokes so I won't really complain. Anyway apparently I’m killing him off in 3 weeks and then I’m in a tri pin with Elder North and Elder Kienip and they are also both Amazing!!! Literally all amazing people and so they’ll train me. Apparently in your mission your trainer is your dad and your first comp after is your mom. Sometimes that gets really weird cause if you train then that is your child so technically my current trainer gave birth to his mom. Which is a whole new funny story. Anyways all I know is I got a new pa and I’m going to have 2-step papa's (I won’t say dad for certain reasons haha but their my papas hahahahaha)
So first day we get to the house (I’m in the Selahstake/zone and I’m in the Ellensburg area) and well let’s just say this is the smallest house I have ever lived in. it’s maybe twice the size of my old bedroom. So it took some getting used to. Buthonestly all the houses here are really quite modest and small. I love it tho. Everyone’s super nice and honestly we go to a lot of trailer parks. It’s super funny tho how crazy some of these people truly are. Weed does weird stuff to y’all so this is a fore warning. But yeah most of the members are cool, but the new investigators are super funny. We have a 4-6 investigators that Ilove talking with but are honestly crazy. They are all super super funny tho. The best part is they are the nicest people in the world. Everyone is soooo sooooo sooooooo nice and they love you and its soo easy to love them. Well except for most the people we knock when we tract. Iactually can’t remember what happened on what days other than the first day I went shopping for like a weeks worth of food and for the first time ever doing that I think I did pretty good. We’realways fed dinner and sometimes lunch. We also have 2 breakfasts so I got cereal and milk and then frozen fruit and protein and sandwich stuff. Pretty much breakfast is cereal while I personal study so I don't fall asleep, then we exercise (my district likes to run so we go to the college track in front of the house. I usually run about 2 miles every morning and then do like 100 pushups and sit-ups, but I think I’m eating more than I’mlosing). Then we go home and make protein smoothies which are super good. Then we shower get ready and yeah live the missionary life.
So the interesting things this week. I want to call my firsts the first time we went tracting I had countless doors slammed in my face which was kinda funny. I placed 2 Books of Mormon and got 2 potential investigators which were gonna try and meet with again next week (this week), and I had 2 dogs sicked on me. Luckily the dogs were fairly nice. My comp got bit once but ironically it wasn't by one of the 2 dogs that got sicked on us haha. So yeah it was super funny. Let’s see first time street contacting was super fun too. There’s a farmers market here that everyone goes too on Saturdays and so we go do street contacting and hand out pictures of Jesus there. Anyways so we go and my companion is starting the contact and teaching me what to do for a little bit and then he says "alright your turn to start" and so I look around and pick the nearest person to me that wasn't moving so we get up to him and he decides to inform us on "what mormons believe" and bible bash us. hahaha it was really funny. Ilearned a lot from him. Including that Jesus Christ is ONLY the Son of God. Not The Son of God and a Prophet, and how Grace is an acronym and how I need to not just study the Book of Mormon but some renowned Anti-Mormon literature. So I got some homework hahaha jk I hope you can read my sarcasm. So yeah after that we went home. Idk what all to say other than I love it here.
Oh I guess one other important thing is that in the middle of July I keep my sweater in the car cause between the fact that apparently Chicago is the windy City but the town of Ellensburg is way worse, because it’s only a town so they don't get that title (that’s what all the locals say that have been to Chicago or came from Chicago say.) so the wind chill that never goes away (trees literally have a lean here to the south east it’s kindafunny) and the fact that I’m not in St. George anymore makes for interesting summers. whichkinda scares me cause I’m probably going to be here 3-4 transfers which is 4.5-6 months. Butyeah I guess we’ll see how I do.
My companion is literally a stud tho. I love him to death. He's from Billings Montana, and he's 21 so yeah that’s that.
Don't forget I love you sooo sooo much your the best mom I could ask for idk what I’d do withoutyou. Love and miss you tons
Your favorite child,
Elder Holt
Elder Holt & Elder Simester (Jake) |
Another beautiful floor to ceiling wall mural at the new MTC! |
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MTC District |
Elder Holt found lots of friends during his MTC stay! |
Examples of picture/quotes all around the new MTC. |
Arrival of New Yakima Washington Missionaries - July 18, 2017 |
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